Dr. Leone with patient

Personalized Approach

Our program helps patients quit smoking by designing plans to meet an individual's specific needs. The care team collaborates with patients to find the right combination of treatments to help them safely and successfully quit.

One of the most unique aspects of the Penn Lung Center is the leadership role we have taken in elevating the sophistication of smoking cessation in health care. We acknowledge the complex nature of nicotine addiction and approach tobacco use as a disorder that crosses many disciplines of science.

Caring for smokers requires a basic understanding of relevant principles of neuroscience, psychology, social science and medicine. The staff at the Comprehensive Smoking Treatment Program consists of health care professionals from several areas of medicine, including pulmonary medicine, public health, and social work — all of whom are highly experienced leaders in the field of smoking cessation.

Along with our expertise in the treatment of tobacco dependence, we share a common philosophy:

  • Smokers deserve treatment that is supportive, without guilt or pressure.
  • It is not uncommon for patients to feel frustrated by their unique experience with quitting. We maintain a positive, supportive environment that does not rely on fear or shame to motivate smokers to quit.

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Information and Services

About Us

Our comprehensive program provides a unique approach to tobacco dependence treatment through advocacy on behalf of the smoker.

Interested in Quitting Smoking?

Our support services include guilt-free and individualized treatment strategies for helping people overcome nicotine addiction.

Quit Smoking Comfortably

Our Quit Smoking Comfortably curriculum offers a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to conquering nicotine addiction in a way that is adaptable and comfortable.

Quit Smoking After Surgery Program

Penn Medicine's Smoking Treatment Team is currently enrolling patients who are about to undergo an orthopaedic surgery in a program to help them quit smoking.

Quit Smoking While Facing Cancer

If you have recently been diagnosed with cancer, and are having a difficult time managing tobacco, we can help.

Research Education and Advocacy

We participate in efforts to expand the knowledge base in the field through research, extend the reach of this understanding through education, and integrate new insights into policy through advocacy.

Stories from Smokers

Here, smokers share personal stories about their experiences battling nicotine addiction.

Resources for Health Care Providers

Our program offers a variety of resources for health care providers to help treat patients with nicotine addiction successfully.
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