Providers can now select up to 20 clinical expertise terms to highlight on their web profile. The purpose of this feature is to make the most important terms more prominent and easier for patients to see. Note that all terms on your profile, even those that are not highlighted, are used when patients are searching for providers. Moreover, highlighting terms does not impact the order of search results.
Below are two examples of profiles with and without highlighted terms:
Example 1: No highlighted terms
All expertise terms are listed in alphabetical order. The first 20 are displayed by default, with the remaining terms hidden until the "Show All Expertise" button is clicked.
Example 2: Highlighted terms
Only the highlighted terms are displayed by default, sorted alphabetically. The full list of all terms is visible when "Show All Expertise" is clicked.
While profiles can display up to 20 highlighted terms, 5-15 terms are recommended.
Again, ALL terms are used for search purposes. The purpose of highlighting terms is to make the profile easier to read and understand.
How to highlight terms
In ProviderMatch, edit your clinical expertise terms. Next to the term you’d like to highlight, change the drop-down box from "Searchable" to "Promoted Searchable":
Save your changes. When you are happy with all changes to your profile, click the blue "Submit for Review" button.
(See the tip sheet for complete step-by-step instructions on how to edit your profile.)