Genitourinary (GU) and Urologic Cancer Program

Nurse giving patient chemotherapy

At the Abramson Cancer Center, we offer special expertise in all genitourinary and urologic cancers, along with the latest treatments and minimally invasive options. You receive a personalized treatment plan designed to cure cancer and preserve your quality of life. We leave no stone unturned and no question unanswered as we deliver care tailored to who you are now and who you’ll be in the years to come.

What Is Genitourinary Oncology and Urologic Oncology?

Genitourinary refers to the genital and urinary organs. The medical abbreviation for genitourinary is GU.

Genitourinary oncology refers to the branch of medicine that cares for cancers of the urinary and male reproductive organs. Gynecologic oncology treats cancers of the female reproductive organs.

Genitourinary oncology and urologic oncology overlap. Urologic oncology cares for urological cancers, which start in the urinary organs.

GU and Urologic Cancer Care: The Penn Medicine Advantage

Our genitourinary cancer specialists treat a high number of patients each year — well above the national average. They have also helped develop some of today’s standard GU cancer and urologic cancer treatments. This uncommonly deep level of expertise and experience helps our patients receive excellent outcomes.

Our GU and urologic cancer program also offers:

  • Dedicated experts in each type of GU cancer: Some cancer programs have doctors who specialize in GU cancers overall or treatment areas, like radiation. But at the Abramson Cancer Center, our world-renowned experts have narrowed their specialties even further. For example, we have medical oncologists who subspecialize in kidney cancers and one of the only radiation oncologists in the U.S. subspecialized in bladder cancer. Because our subspecialists live and breathe their area of focus, you receive care from doctors who have seen it all — and use their experience to create effective treatment plans. Meet our genitourinary oncology team.
  • GU Oncology Tumor Board: A tumor board involves cancer specialists who meet regularly to discuss individual cases and improve care. Our GU Oncology Tumor Board brings together all the specialists involved in genitourinary and urologic oncology. Our patients benefit from a team of world-class experts — including oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, geneticists and urologists — all weighing in. Together, the team creates treatment plans that consider every option and provide creative solutions to difficult problems.
  • Safer treatments: We deliver the safest, most effective treatments possible — from precise, low-dose radiation therapies to surgeries that reveal hidden cancers. We also offer minimally invasive and robotic alternatives to many traditionally open surgeries. These procedures have fewer complications, shorter hospital stays and faster recoveries.
  • Clinical trials: Our active GU cancer clinical trial program gives you access to the latest, most exciting clinical trials available in the U.S. It also provides more treatment options for cancers that don’t respond to standard therapies. See our genitourinary cancer clinical trials.
  • Expertise in GU cancer genetics: Some GU and urological cancers are passed down through families. Genetic specialists and counselors in our Translational Medicine and Human Genetics program help you understand your personal risks. They also work with you and your doctors to make better care decisions.
  • Focus on survivorship: GU cancer survivors are now living longer than ever. But as time passes, some may experience treatment side effects. We offer a cancer survivorship program as well as dedicated testicular and prostate cancer survivorship programs. You receive a personalized survivorship plan and resources to help you manage and prevent these late effects.

Genitourinary and Urological Cancers We Treat

Prostate Cancer

We use the latest advances in prostate cancer care, including specialized biopsies for faster, more accurate diagnoses and hydrogel spacers that make radiation safer.

We also offer a robust active surveillance program that tracks slow-growing cancers. Our tailored surveillance plans help many males avoid more invasive treatments and their side effects. Find out about our prostate cancer program.

Bladder, Urethral and Ureteral Cancers

Bladder cancer starts in your bladder. Urethral and ureteral cancers start in the tubes that carry urine to and from the bladder.

We offer advanced treatments such as blue light cystoscopy and minimally invasive procedures that preserve urinary function. Learn more about our approach to bladder cancer.

Kidney Cancer

Our program features pioneers in kidney cancer care and experts in advanced cancers that have spread. They deliver comprehensive treatments, including minimally invasive surgery options and exciting new breakthroughs via clinical trials.

And because some genetic syndromes increase the risk for developing kidney cancer, our team includes genetic specialists who work with your doctors to provide complete care. Read more about our kidney cancer care.

Testicular Cancer

As part of one of the largest testicular programs in the world and a Testicular Cancer Center of Excellence, our internationally recognized specialists use their expertise on your behalf. You have access to groundbreaking therapies such as proton radiation and new treatments through testicular cancer clinical trials.

We also offer advanced fertility preservation options including sperm banking. Learn more about our testicular cancer care.

Penile Cancer

We offer comprehensive treatment options and expertise in this rare cancer. When you come to us, you have a team of penile cancer experts — including dermatologists and reconstructive surgeons — collaborating about your care. Our team approach leads to better outcomes and helps males maintain sexual and urinary function after treatment.

Learn more about penile cancer.

GU Cancer Care on Your Terms

Cancer comes with enough concerns — but how you’ll manage treatment doesn’t have to be one of them. We offer:

  • Convenience: Thanks to our GU Oncology Tumor Board, your care considers every option without the need for multiple visits (and co-pays) to our facilities. When you do need to see more than one specialist, we coordinate your care so you can see as many providers as possible during the same visit.
  • Appointments at home: Our Penn Connected Health Virtual Visit program allows you to securely connect with your provider on your personal computer or mobile device.
  • Treatment near you: We have a network of 14 centers throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey where you can get radiation and chemo treatments.
  • GU cancer oncology navigator: Our GU and urologic cancer oncology navigator helps with complex health care situations and provides support and direction when you need it.

What to Expect During Your First Visit

Our advanced practice providers make sure you get needed tests or procedures before your first consultation. Then, your doctors review your results and any other information we have. They will be well-versed about your case and the best treatments for your situation at your first visit.

When you come in for your first consultation with us, we:

  • Review your medical history and records
  • Do a physical exam
  • Discuss your treatment options

To get the most out of this visit, we recommend you bring a notebook, so you can write down questions.

Make an Appointment

Please call 800-789-7366 or request a callback.