Full schedule
In Utero Exposures
“Developmental Origins of Adult Disease” – Rebecca Simmons, MD, professor of Pediatrics, CEET Deputy Director
“In Utero Mouse Model of BPA Exposure: Physiology, Behavior and Epigenetics” – Marisa Bartolomei, PhD, professor of Cell and Developmental Biology (University of Pennsylvania)
“Human In Utero Exposures to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals” – Sara Pinney, MD, MS, assistant professor of Pediatrics (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
Point/Counter Point – Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
“Toxicology Findings on BPA” – Luisa Camacho, PhD, Senior Staff Fellow (Food and Drug Administration, National Center for Toxicological Research)
“Environmental Epigenetics: A Mechanistic Link to Health, Disease, and Intervention” – Shuk-Mei Ho, PhD, Jacob G. Schmidlapp Professor and Chair of Environmental Health, Director of the Cincinnati Cancer Consortium, Director of Center for Environmental Genetics
“Perinatal exposure of rats to low doses of Zeranol induces transgeneration effects on sexual development, fecundity and susceptibility to mammary carcinogenesis” – Helmut Zarbl, professor of Toxicology, Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease Director (Rutgers)
“Environmental Hormones and Other Signals” – John McLahlan, PhD, Celia Scott Weatherhead and Albert J. Weatherhead III Distinguished Chair of Environmental Studies, professor of Pharmacology (Tulane University)
Exposure Science
“Children’s Health Exposure Analysis Resource” – Lisa A. Peterson, PhD, professor of Environmental Health Sciences (University of Minnesota)
“Environmental Exposures and Neurodevelopment-Autism Spectrum Disorders” – Nathaniel Snyder, PhD, MPH, assistant professor (Drexel Autism Institute, Drexel University)
“Challenges in Measuring Endogenous and Exogenous Hormones” – Clementina Mesaros, PhD, research assistant professor and Technical Director of Translational Biomarker Core of CEET
Town Hall meeting at Faith Temple Holy Church
1007 West 7th Street, Chester, PA, 19013
Marilyn Howarth, MD, FACOEM, Center of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology (University of Pennsylvania)
Rev. Horace Strand, Pastor of Faith Temple Holy Church and Chairman of Chester Environmental Partnership (CEP)
John and Dolores Shelton, CEP members and residents of Chester
Linda Birnbaum, PhD, DABT, ATS, NIEHS and NTP director