PAH Birthday

CEO Theresa Larivee and Dan Feinberg, MD, chief medical officer, celebrated by serving birthday cake!

Pennsylvania Hospital recently celebrated its 267th birthday! While it may not have been a milestone, Pennsy still celebrated in style, with hospital leaders volunteering to serve up tasty treats.

Even if you weren’t able to make it for cake, there’s still time to enjoy a slice of PAH history! After all, the nation’s first hospital is full of interesting tidbits to explore, even in the most unlikely places – like weather records.

Each of the nineteenth century record books features monthly charts populated with data like temperatures, dew points, and cloud characteristics, but there are also unrelated notes referencing topics like the Civil War and President Lincoln’s assassination, what was blooming in the PAH gardens, the appearance of aurora lights in the sky, and more.

Learn more about these meteorological marvels in System News!

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