
Princeton Health’s third Penn Medicine Experience (PMX) Week — to be celebrated from October 19 through 23 — may seem very different from last year, given the social distancing guidelines in effect because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

But the annual recognition awards and other favorites from prior years will be included, said Geri Karpiscak, RN, director of patient relations and customer service.

“We may not be able to gather, but we can still celebrate the contributions of our employees, physicians, and volunteers,” Karpiscak said.

This year’s theme is BE PresentI show up and remain engaged.

In September, Princeton Health employees, physicians, and volunteers were invited to nominate colleagues for recognition based on interactions with patients, visitors, and co-workers that epitomize the theme. A committee will review the nominations and choose the awardees, who will be honored along with the other nominees at a virtual awards ceremony during PMX Week.

Karpiscak said there will be additional virtual events during PMX Week, including chair yoga. Leader rounding throughout the health system will be conducted both in-person and virtually, she said. New items planned for this year include a wellness challenge and self-care tips.

Other events will include Silly Sock Day and outreach efforts to benefit community members in need. Princeton Health staff will receive emails with a full schedule of the events.

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