2 for good

Penn Medicine Princeton Health’s 2ForGood initiative encourages staff members to donate two hours of their time to support Community Wellness activities, which include more than 2,000 free or low-cost health screenings and educational programs each year.

Typically, volunteers are needed to assist with greeting the community, distributing information, and event setup or cleanup. Upcoming opportunities include:

Kids Can Cook

­—March 18 – 6 to 7 pm

Princeton Fitness & Wellness

1225 State Road, Princeton, N.J.


—April 7 – 11 am to noon

Hamilton Area YMCA, John K. Rafferty Branch

1315 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road, Hamilton, N.J.


EMT Refresher Class
*Volunteers needed to act as mock patients to simulate an array of emergency situations

—April 19 – 12 to 4 pm
—May 3 – 12 to 4 pm
—June 7 – 12 to 4 pm
Community Wellness, 731 Alexander Road, Suite 103, Princeton, N.J.

To volunteer, contact Debbie Millar, director of community wellness and engagement, at 609.897.8982 or deborah.millar@pennmedicine.upenn.edu.

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