A total 73 individuals from Penn Medicine Princeton Health were nominated by their peers for recognition related to acts of compassion to patients, family members, or their coworkers.
The nominees — physicians, nurses, physical therapists, behavioral health therapists, home health aides, hospice staff, other employees, and volunteers — were honored during an award ceremony on Thursday, October 17. Princeton Health’s Patient Experience Council chose 15 awardees who received a copy of The Power of Kindness by Mac Anderson and a Penn Medicine gym bag, hat, and scarf.
Peter Allan
Anupama Anand
Pat Anene
Kathy Applegate
Karen Baker
Lisa Baptis
Sharon Barbara, PA
Monika Bogumil
Stacy Booher
Jessica Brum
Ken Burkert
Sarah Carstens
Jeanette Cicio
Lorraine Comfort
Peter Cridge, MD
Simran Datta
Yvette Delauro
Fatima Deleon
Chelsea DeMaio
Ben Diccion
Crystal Emery
Bernadette Flynn-Kelton
Toni Fusik
Heather Gachko
Pia Garibaldi, MD
Alexis Goetz
Cindy Gould
Eileen Gutcho
Steve Harrison
Amber Hartzel
Lauren Hogshire, MD
Maria Luisa Ignacio
Karen Jacko
Rosafe James
Holly Keleman
Michael Kelly
Laura Kelly
Meaghan LaBelle
Agnes Lamon, MD
Betty Lawrence
Jason Lawrence
Donna Levinson
Debbie Lord
Onnie Mancino
Prudence Marcus
Binal Mathur
Alison Minkler
Jennie Narine
Dominique Pierce-O’Connor
Jenny Pintado
Donna Post
MaryAnn Pron
Matthew Rhodes
Lexus Rodriguez
Samantha Samuels
Matthew Sandel, MD
Alice Savacool
Michael Schwartz
Destiny Sharack
Harpeet Sidhu, MD
Karen Sinclair
Kevin Skole, MD
Richard Smith
Lloyd Smith
Becky Soden
David Sokol, MD
Gina Stauff
Melanie Sudia
Diana Thibodeau
Shariffa Torres
Tanya Velez
Bridge Verdel
Lisa Wade