Prostate Cancer

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer, have it in your family or are facing cancer recurrence, the experts at the Abramson Cancer Center are here to help. Our world-renowned genitourinary (GU) and urologic oncology experts have the latest knowledge and use every available treatment and technology. We work together to deliver coordinated, multidisciplinary care that improves your quality of life now and in the future.

What Is Prostate Cancer?

The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system. It’s small, about the size of a walnut, and produces fluid found in semen.

Prostate cancer is a disease in which cancerous (malignant) cells form in the tissues of the prostate. It’s the most common cancer in the U.S.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Prostate cancer symptoms may be like symptoms of other noncancerous prostate conditions. Talk to one of our experts if you experience these symptoms:

  • Blood in the urine or semen
  • Frequent urination (especially at night)
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Pain in the back, hips or pelvis that doesn't go away
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Trouble urinating
  • Weak or interrupted flow of urine

Prostate Cancer Care: The Penn Medicine Advantage

Most males with prostate cancer have choices when it comes to successful treatment. The best treatment plan for you is often very personal — your personality, lifestyle and DNA can carry as much weight as the makeup of the cancer.

Our multidisciplinary prostate cancer team includes experts in surgery, prostate cancer genetics, radiation and medical oncology. These specialists work together to create treatment plans that weigh your personal pros and cons. They help you make decisions that give you the best chance for a good outcome and quality of life.

When you choose us for prostate cancer care, you also experience:

  • Prostate cancer expertise: You receive treatment from nationally recognized experts in prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment and research. Our specialists have all completed the highest level of training in prostate cancer. Each specialist also has special expertise in a particular area of prostate cancer care, such as pathology or radiation oncology. This level of subspecialization leads to better outcomes. Meet our genitourinary oncology team.
  • The latest advances: We offer the latest prostate cancer treatment options, including those only available through clinical trials. One of these advanced tools is a hydrogel spacer that makes radiation safer by protecting the rectum from exposure. We also use a new investigative technology that lights up cancer cells during surgery for more precise removal.
  • Advanced biopsy options: Advanced biopsy procedures arm our doctors with as much information as possible. In MRI-ultrasound fusion biopsies, MRI images combine with real-time ultrasound images for a clearer view of the prostate. And liquid biopsies allow us to analyze cancer DNA to find the exact treatments to stop a cancer’s growth.
  • Safer treatments: Our radiation oncologists use an MR simulator for precise radiation treatment planning. How your anatomy appears on imaging can change depending on your body position. This machine takes images of you in the treatment position. Doctors can better target the treatment area, making radiation safer and more effective.
  • Tailored active surveillance plans: Some prostate cancers are so slow-growing that they don’t need treatment. These cancers often benefit from active surveillance, which involves regular tests and biopsies to check for changes. Our surveillance plans are not one-size-fits-all. Instead, we personalize plans based on test results and your unique risks. Read more about our approach to prostate cancer active surveillance.
  • Prostate cancer survivorship program: Even after treatment ends and you are cancer-free, certain side effects can affect you for years. In our survivorship program, we help you manage long-term treatment side effects. We also watch you closely for cancer recurrence (when the cancer returns). The same providers who were with you from the beginning are involved in this care and support. They help you maintain and improve your quality of life.
  • Convenience: We make it easy to receive care through our Penn Connected Health Virtual Visit program. We also offer radiation and chemotherapy at Abramson Cancer Center locations throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Fertility Preservation with Prostate Cancer

Some prostate cancer treatments may cause infertility. Our fertility preservation services give males the chance to conceive later in life.

Penn Fertility Care has been a pioneer in innovative ways to manage infertility for more than 50 years. We offer advanced reproductive technologies such as sperm banking, access to clinical trials and personalized treatment plans. Learn about Penn Fertility and Cancer.

How We Support You

Every step of cancer treatment comes with different needs and issues. Our oncology nurse navigators are committed to making sure your experience is as comfortable as possible.

Our oncology nurse navigators expertly help you manage complex health care situations. They also serve as a consistent point of contact and reliable source for advice, support and direction. Meet the oncology nurse navigators.

Our Approach to Prostate Cancer Treatment

From early-stage cancers to metastatic disease (cancer that has spread), we deliver successful treatments for males with prostate cancer. As a high-volume referral center, our team’s experience and expertise lead to better outcomes and fewer treatment side effects.

Learn more about our personalized prostate cancer treatment options.

Make an Appointment

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