
Known for our clinical care, research, and education, the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Pennsylvania has grown from two to more than sixty faculty members since its founding in 1971. Most of the Division’s nationally and internationally renowned faculty members are based in Philadelphia. However, the Division also has a presence abroad, primarily through the Botswana-University of Pennsylvania Partnership, a multi- and inter-disciplinary clinical and research collaboration.

The Division offers a range of inpatient and outpatient programs in HIV medicine, infections in solid organ and bone marrow transplant recipients, healthcare epidemiology and antimicrobial stewardship, antimicrobial resistance, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, travel medicine, and global health. Our award-winning faculty members, who are known for their teaching excellence, have a wide range of experience in scientific investigation including bench science, translational and epidemiologic research, clinical trials, health policy, and public health.

Every year the Division recruits five new Infectious Diseases fellows for our renowned training program. Participants in this program can craft their own clinical and research training. They can decide to follow well-established clinical training paths or focus on lab-based basic science research training. Alternatively, they can also pursue advanced degrees in fields like clinical epidemiology and health policy. So far, the Division has trained more than 130 fellows who have gone on to secure positions in academic medicine, public health, and industry.

In This Section

Welcome Message

A welcome message from the Division Chief, Ebbing Lautenbach, MD, MPH, MSCE

News and Updates

At the Division of Infectious Diseases, we are regularly recognized for our commitment to clinical care and research.

Mission Statement

The University of Pennsylvania Infectious Diseases Division affirms our commitment to maintain the highest standards of clinical care.

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