Cheat Sheet for Men’s Health

man sitting at female doctor's desk

To all of the men out there: We've noticed that you aren't seeing your primary care doctor regularly. 

There are health concerns that affect only males, such as prostate and testicular cancer. There are also health risks that men are more prone to, including heart disease and colon cancer, that can be treated if caught early. 

That's why, even if you feel healthy, it’s crucial to have annual check-ups. A wellness visit gives your physician the opportunity to obtain a detailed medical history and a thorough physical exam. At Penn Medicine, our physicians will collect baseline blood work, including cholesterol, and refer you for proper screening tests if needed.

Other reasons to see your primary doctor each year:

  • With your annual check-up, potential problems can be identified before they become serious. Prevention is the best medicine.
  • These appointments give you and your physician an opportunity to build a relationship, which will help you and your care team stay ahead of any issues. Should a health situation arise, these previous interactions will help your care team develop a personalized and focused treatment plan.
  • Your doctor can provide personalized advice on a proper diet and exercise, taking into account your age, weight and family history.

Timetable for Maintaining Good Health

So how often should you schedule your various doctor's appointments and screenings? Below is a basic guide providing general medical evaluations for male adults. 

Men's health infographic

Please note: This guide does not take into consideration any existing symptoms, chronic conditions or family history, which may mean that you should be screened earlier or more regularly. Make sure you talk to your doctor about your family and medical history.

In addition to referring to the timetable above, download our Men's Health Guide for more detailed information or watch our video "Fact or Fiction?: Men's Health Edition" to test your knowledge. 

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