woman in library wearing green sweater

Ask. Us. Anything.

Our women’s health program is built around honest, open dialogue that addresses your specific health-care needs. No matter where you are on life's journey, we have the services to help keep you healthy.

At Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, we not only recognize that every woman’s health-care needs are unique; we thrive on it. We listen—really listen—to your specific questions and based on science, customize your care so you feel confident with every choice. With every approach. At every stage of life.

Obstetrics and gynecology are just the beginning. From routine screenings and well visits, to advanced diagnostics and procedures, we are dedicated to providing the high-quality, holistic, personalized care every woman deserves.

In This Section...

Pregnancy and Childbirth

We offer personalized care through every stage of your pregnancy, from prenatal testing to those first days at home with your newborn.

Gynecology Care

Addressing the reproductive health of women at all stages of life.

Breast Health

Recommended screenings for women at average and high risk for breast cancer.

Pelvic Health

Our urogynecology office offers the latest treatments for female pelvic floor disorders like urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

Our experts work with you to achieve safe, natural-looking results.

Physical Therapy Services

Our experienced and compassionate physical therapists provide personalized care to help women manage pelvic floor disorders, lymphedema and more.

Bone Health and Osteoporosis Prevention

We offer resources to help maintain bone health and diagnose and treat osteoporosis, including DXA scans, Sahara heel scans, and physical therapy.

Our Signature Locations

We offer comprehensive health and wellness services for women at Women & Babies Hospital and our Women’s Specialty Center.

Patient Stories

Learn more about women's health patients treated at Lancaster General Health.
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