The PPMC Employee Recognition Committee worked hard to find ways to make their colleagues with milestone anniversaries feel special.

The ongoing pandemic may have canceled plans for an in-person employee milestone celebration for a second year, but the PPMC Employee Recognition Committee found other ways to honor their colleagues.

More than 340 employees with 5-to-45-year service anniversaries were recognized in a superhero-themed Employee Recognition Week full of activities. At the end of the week, a virtual ceremony was held with remarks by Dwaine Duckett, senior vice president and chief human resources officer for the University of Pennsylvania Health System, and a tribute video honoring the four staff members marking 40 and 45 years. Those special employees also had their favorite meals featured on the menu at the Atwood Cafe.

“One thing that’s nice about this situation is that the virtual and socially distanced activities have allowed us to share more of the celebration with our staff as a whole, instead of one event for the honorees,” said Human Resources Manager Zene Colt, MBA.

Tan’Nette Grandberry, a unit secretary in the Endoscopy unit, has been an active member of the employee recognition committee for five years. Before the pandemic, the committee – made up of staff from different departments, and at all levels of leadership – would spend months planning the annual party, with drinks named for the longest-serving employees or a fun green screen to take photos in front of. She had looked forward to attending it this year as a 10-year honoree herself, but said she was grateful that hospital leaders supported the committee’s creative alternatives.

“There are some institutions that don’t celebrate their people, period, and we know that us trying to do things virtually is appreciated,” Grandberry said. “I also appreciate senior leadership for allowing us to continue doing this in a different way, to recognize people who show up to work every day and give their all.”

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