Red Coat

A letter sent from Karen O'Neill of Nuclear Medicine:

After going to several appointments at the Perelman Center, starting at 9:30 a.m., a patient discovered that his only set of car keys was missing. “He was wandering the hallways with a disturbed look on his face… He and his wife were scouring the building returning to all the places he could have been, trying to find the keys. The man was a heart patient and was sweating bullets. Even though Louis Mello’s (ambassador hospital concierge) shift was due to end in 20 minutes, he calmed the couple down and reassured them that he would do whatever needed to be done to help them...even if he needed to stay until several hours later. He was told their car was in the 3600 garage on the sixth floor and the make and color. He jumped on the shuttle and looked for himself. He found the car, which was unlocked, with the keys in the ignition. He retrieved the keys, got back in record time and reassured the couple that this was his job, it could have happened to anyone, and that he was happy to have helped. The couple was elated. I think Louis deserves a pat on the back.”

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