If you want to parent a child — but the timing isn't right — sperm banking may be for you. With our male fertility preservation services, you can save healthy sperm now to have a family later.

Our comprehensive care in fertility and urology includes sperm banking and freezing. This service is part of our specialized care for individuals or couples who wish to preserve fertility or start a family.

How the Sperm Banking Procedure Works

Sperm banking involves collecting and freezing healthy sperm for later use. A person can provide a semen sample here at Penn Medicine, or we may provide you with a kit to use at home.

If a person is unable to ejaculate, we have other options for collecting sperm. Our male infertility specialists are experienced in advanced sperm retrieval techniques, such as for men with low sperm count or azoospermia. Learn more about our Male Infertility Program.

Then, our andrology lab places the sperm in a sealed container and prepares it for cryopreservation (freezing). Our sperm freezing services are available at our Penn Fertility Care location in University City.

Reasons for Sperm Banking

Our sperm bank is for males who wish to store sperm for their own use later in life. For example, sperm banking helps people diagnosed with cancer preserve their fertility before medical treatment. Transgender patients or patients undergoing long-term hormone treatment may also be interested in banking sperm beforehand for future family building. Learn more about our Fertility Preservation Program.

Some people donate sperm to a bank so that a third party can become pregnant. You can donate your sperm at an outside sperm bank of your choosing. We do not provide sperm banking for anonymous donation.

Sperm Freezing

Our freezing process uses precision and care to ensure the health of sperm in our bank. Once you provide the sperm, we freeze it with our advanced cryopreservation method. With proper freezing, your sperm remains healthy indefinitely.

Make an Appointment

Call 800-789-7366 or request a callback.

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