Vascular surgeons treat all types of vascular problems, providing medical care, minimally invasive procedures and surgery. At Penn Medicine, you have access to the most advanced vascular disease treatment available.

We offer many endovascular options for conditions like aneurysms and peripheral artery disease. Our team also specializes in second operations and reoperations for ongoing vascular problems.

Vascular Procedures and Treatments: The Penn Medicine Difference

The Penn Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy Program is one of the largest and well-known programs in the United States. But we’re also dedicated to giving each patient personalized care, treating you like family. When you seek vascular treatment from Penn, you have access to:

  • Trusted experts: Our vascular team offers the most advanced vascular therapies available. Penn’s vascular surgeons are leaders in aneurysm endografts, limb preservation, treatment of carotid stenosis and thoracic outlet treatment. As an academic medical center, we also provide access to clinical trials to assess new therapies.
  • Care for all types of vascular conditions: Penn vascular surgeons treat every vascular disorder, from the common to the complex. Even if other centers have been unable to help, we may be able to offer options.
  • Team approach: Our vascular surgeons work closely with cardiac surgeons when needed. Dedicated vascular anesthesiologists care for you during surgery. They expertly monitor your blood pressure during intricate vascular and aorta surgery.
  • State-of-the-art technology: Penn’s heart and vascular programs operate from new facilities with the latest technology. You receive postsurgical care in our well-equipped heart and vascular intensive care unit (ICU). Advanced testing enables us to monitor your health before, during and after treatment.
  • Measurable outcomes: Penn is part of the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI), an effort sponsored by the Society for Vascular Surgery. The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Penn Presbyterian Medical Center were awarded three stars — the highest possible. Our engagement with VQI means you can be confident that we carefully track our outcomes and seek the safest and most effective treatments.

Types of Vascular Surgeries Our Surgeons Perform

For some conditions, open surgery remains the gold standard of vascular disease treatment. Penn surgeons have expertise in:

  • Aneurysm repair: In some cases, an endovascular aneurysm repair isn’t the right solution. Penn vascular surgeons continue to perform a high number of open aortic aneurysm surgeries, giving us the expertise to deliver good outcomes for patients.
  • Carotid endarterectomy: For healthy individuals with carotid artery disease who are at low surgical risk, this open procedure offers a very high success rate at restoring carotid blood flow. Our surgeons perform a high number of carotid endarterectomy surgeries.
  • Revascularization and bypass graft surgery: Penn vascular surgeons can replace or repair damaged blood vessels in your lower extremities (legs and feet). We have a wide range of open options, including femoral popliteal bypass (fem pop bypass) or other types of bypass to create new pathways for blood flow, relieve discomfort and help wounds heal. Learn more about Penn Advanced Limb Preservation (PALP).
  • Thoracic outlet repair: Thoracic outlet syndrome can be painful and reduce function. This condition isn’t commonly understood at some centers, but our skilled vascular surgeons are experts at treating it. They reduce pressure on the thoracic outlet to relieve discomfort and help you get back to your activities.

Minimally Invasive (Endovascular) Procedure Options

Minimally invasive vascular procedures often offer the best solution to restore healthy blood flow without a major surgery — or long recovery. These procedures are called endovascular procedures because surgeons work inside the veins. They use a catheter (long, narrow tube) threaded through a blood vessel.

Minimally invasive endovascular procedures at Penn include:

  • Aneurysm repair: Penn offers expertise in minimally invasive aneurysm repair procedures. Options include endovascular aortic repair (EVAR), thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR), fenestrated endovascular aortic repair (FEVAR) and branched endovascular aortic repair (BEVAR). These potentially lifesaving procedures provide a new lining to strengthen a weakened aorta, your body’s largest artery.
  • Atherectomy, angioplasty and stenting: We can correct narrowing or blockages in blood vessels through a tiny incision. We can reopen the blood vessel, restore blood flow and reduce vascular problems. Atherectomy uses special tools to remove plaque, while angioplasty clears blood vessels with a tiny balloon. Placing a stent (a small mesh tube) can hold open a narrowed or weakened blood vessel.
  • IVC filter insertion and removal: For people with persistent blood clotting, an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter may help. These filters sit in your body’s largest vein, the IVC, to trap blood clots before they enter the lungs. We insert IVC filters and remove them when no longer needed.
  • Revascularization of the legs: Minimally invasive procedures can restore blood flow to your legs without invasive surgery. These options can relieve peripheral artery disease (PAD). You have less pain and a quicker recovery than with open surgery.
  • Thrombolysis: We offer a variety of methods to get rid of dangerous blood clots (thrombi) due to deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or another clotting condition. Catheter-directed thrombolysis can deliver medications or mechanically destroy a clot. Stents can also be placed to relieve leg swelling from vein narrowing.
  • Transcarotid artery revascularization (TCAR): The TCAR procedure restores healthy blood flow to your brain through only a small incision at your lower neck. Surgeons reverse blood flow for a short time so broken-off plaque doesn’t enter your brain. TCAR is a safe procedure that minimizes stroke risk.
  • Varicose vein treatment and sclerotherapy: Penn vascular surgeons provide expert therapy to treat varicose veins and venous insufficiency. Treatments such as ablation and sclerotherapy can close off or remove problematic veins. These procedures can ease swelling and pain.

Follow-Up Care

Most vascular care isn’t a one-time fix. Penn vascular surgeons believe in building a long-term relationship to take care of you throughout your life. After your surgical or endovascular procedure, we monitor your care to make sure that you continue to do well and lead a healthy life. You can receive all needed follow-up care and vascular testing in Philadelphia and at satellite locations throughout the Philadelphia suburbs and Southern New Jersey.

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