If you are a nonprofit organization seeking volunteers for a community event, visit our request volunteers page. Any questions can be directed to Penn Medicine’s Community Relations Office at 215-200-7632 or CAREs@pennmedicine.upenn.edu.
Penn Medicine staff and medical students, below please find events hosted by local (Philadelphia region) organizations that have requested help. Some events listed are centered on health and wellness and other events are geared to simply bring the community together. If you sign up for a health event, the Community Relations Office will work with you to create the appropriate presentation, complete with health education literature and giveaways for you to take to the event. (You do not need to be a clinician to volunteer!) Involvement isn’t complicated, and your time commitment is valuable to the community Penn Medicine serves. If you are interested in receiving a monthly email listing volunteer opportunities, please email CAREs@pennmedicine.upenn.edu.