Sophia Rose O'Brien, MD

headshot of Sophia Rose O'Brien, MD
No patient ratings. Why not?
Why doesn't this doctor have a rating?

There is no publicly available rating for this medical professional for one of the following reasons:

  1. They are not employed by Penn Medicine.
  2. They do not see patients.
  3. They see patients but have not yet received the minimum 30 patient satisfaction reviews in the past 12 months, ensuring that the rating is statistically reliable and a true reflection of patient satisfaction.

Sophia Rose O'Brien, MD

No patient ratings. Why not?
Why doesn't this doctor have a rating?

There is no publicly available rating for this medical professional for one of the following reasons:

  1. They are not employed by Penn Medicine.
  2. They do not see patients.
  3. They see patients but have not yet received the minimum 30 patient satisfaction reviews in the past 12 months, ensuring that the rating is statistically reliable and a true reflection of patient satisfaction.
  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology
  • Dr. O'Brien is a Penn Medicine physician.

Meet Dr. O'Brien

Sophia O'Brien, MD is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology in the Divisions of Nuclear Medicine and Breast Imaging. She completed her Diagnostic Radiology residency, integrated Nuclear Radiology Fellowship, and Breast Imaging Fellowship at Penn. She practices clinical nuclear medicine including interpreting general nuclear medicine studies, PET/CTs, and cardiac nuclear medicine studies, and she treats patients with thyroid disease, neuroendocrine tumor, paraganglioma/pheochromocytoma, and prostate cancer via the Nuclear Therapy Clinic.  She also practices breast imaging including reading mammography, breast US, and breast MRI, and performing imaging-guided breast and axillary biopsies.

Dr. O'Brien's research focuses include Fluoroestradiol PET/CT, Radionuclide Therapy, and breast imaging during pregnancy/lactation. Passionate about medical education, she is currently completing her Masters of Medical Education at Penn.

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