Selected Publications
William Lewis and Robert G Micheletti: Dermal Atrophy and Lipoatrophy Decision-Making in Dermatology : 2025.
Robert G Micheletti: Cutaneous Vasculitis Dermatology, 5th Edition : 2025.
Micheletti RG, Rosenbach M, Phillips E, Wintroub B, Shinkai K: Cutaneous Drug Reactions Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 22nd Edition : 2025.
Robert G. Micheletti, Luis Requena, and Jeffrey P. Callen: Cutaneous Vasculitis and Panniculitis Rheumatology, 9th Edition : 2025.
Alhusayen R, Dienes S, Lam M, Alavi A, Alikhan A, Aleshin M, Bahashwan E, Daveluy S, Goldfarb N, Garg A, Gulliver W, Jaleel T, Kimball AB, Kirchhof MG, Kirby J, Lenczowski J, Lev-Tov H, Lowes MA, Lara-Corrales I, Micheletti R, Okun M, Orenstein L, Poelman S, Piguet V, Porter M, Resnik B, Sibbald C, Shi V, Sayed C, Wong SM, Zaenglein A, Veillette H, Hsiao JL, Naik HB.: North American Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Medical Management of Hidradenitis Suppurativa in Special Patient Populations J Am Acad Dermatol : 2024.
Wei J, Micheletti RG: Hospital Dermatology: Review of Research in 2023-2024 Cutis 114 ((5)): 156-168,2024.
Wei BM, Fox LP, Kaffenberger BH, Korman AM, Micheletti RG, Mostaghimi A, Noe MH, Rosenbach M, Shinkai K, Kwah JH, Phillips EJ, Bolognia JL, Damsky W, Nelson CA.: Drug-induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome / Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms. Part I. Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Clinicopathological Features, and Prognosis. J Am Acad Dermatol 90 (5): 885-908,2024.
Wei BM, Fox LP, Kaffenberger BH, Korman AM, Micheletti RG, Mostaghimi A, Noe MH, Rosenbach M, Shinkai K, Kwah JH, Phillips EJ, Bolognia JL, Damsky W, Nelson CA.: Drug-induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome / Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms. Part II. Diagnosis and Management. J Am Acad Dermatol 90 (5): 911-926,2024.
Saeed HN, Micheletti R, Phillips EJ: Editorial: Stevens Johnson syndrome: past, present, and future directions. Front Med (Lausanne) 7 (11): 1383891,2024.
Nusbaum KB, Boettler M, Korman AM, Alavi A, Alloo A, Dissemond J, French LE, Huang WW, Kolios AGA, Marzano AV, Micheletti RG, Mostaghimi A, Ortega-Loayza AG, Rosenbach M, Schreml S, Tolkachjov SN, Kaffenberger BH: Subjective assessments in pyoderma gangrenosum diagnostic frameworks undermine framework agreement. Int J Dermatol 63 (2): e67-e69,2024.
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