Selected Publications
Ganetzky D, Purcell A, Truchil R, Tjaden A, Cronholm P: Patient-Centered Hypertension Management: Two Team-Based Models Family Practice Management 30 (4): 12-16,2023.
Lowenstein M, Abrams M, Crowe M, Shimamoto K, Mazzella S, Botcheos D, Bertocchi J, Westfahl S, Chertok J, Garcia K, Truchil R, Holliday-Davis M, Aronowitz S: “Come try it out. Get your foot in the door:” Exploring patient perspectives on low-barrier treatment for opioid use disorder Drug and Alcohol Dependence 248 : 2023.
Truchil R, Rolston DD.: All these medications: What a pain in the neck! Society of General Internal Medicine, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting : 2013.
Peaslee MA, Truchil R, Gorman J, Sun H, Mikhail P, Rolston DD.: Are proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) prescribed appropriately in an outpatient setting? Society of General Internal Medicine, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting : 2013.
Peaslee MA, Truchil R, Gorman J, Sun H, Mikhail P, Rolston DD.: Are proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) prescribed appropriately in an outpatient setting? Society of General Internal Medicine, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting : 2013.
Truchil R, Garland J, Rusk M.: A year in review: Implementation of a Refugee Clinic at Penn Center for Primary Care. Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting : 2012.
Gruneir A, Mor V, Weitzen S, Truchil R, Teno J, Roy J.: Where people die: a multilevel approach to understanding influences on site of death in America. Medical care research and review : MCRR 64 (4): 351-78,2007.
Rakowski W, Truchil R, Schneider K, Meersman S, Clark MA.: Correlates of mammography in a national analysis compared to results in quintile- and regionally-defined samples. Preventive medicine 42 (5): 386-9,2006.
Rakowski W, Clark MA, Truchil R, Schneider K, Meersman S.: Smoking status and mammography among women aged 50-75 in the 2002 behavioral risk factor surveillance system. Women & health 41 (4): 1-21,2005.
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