Selected Publications
L K Metthew Lam, Nathan J Klingensmith, Layal Sayegh, Emily Oatman, Joshua S Jose, Christopher V Cosgriff, Kaitlyn A Eckart, John McGinnis, Piyush Ranjan, Matthew Lanza, Nadir Yehya, Nuala J Meyer, Robert P Dickson, Nilam S Mangalmurti: Red Blood Cells Capture and Deliver Bacterial DNA to Drive Host Responses During Polymicrobial Sepsis J Clin Invest
: 2025.
L.K. Metthew Lam, Sophia Murphy, Dimitra Kokkinaki, Alessandro Venosa, Scott Sherrill-Mix, Carla Casu, Stefano Rivella, Aaron Weiner, Jeongho Park, Sunny Shin, Andrew Vaughan, Beatrice H. Hahn, Audrey R. Odom John, Nuala J. Meyer, Christopher A. Hunter, G. Scott Worthen, Nilam S. Mangalmurti: DNA binding to TLR9 expressed by red blood cells promotes innate immune activation and anemia Science Translational Medicine 13 (616): 2021.
Yehya N, Booth TJ, Ardhanari GD, Thompson JM, Lam LKM, Till JE, Mai MV, Keim G, McKeone DJ, Halstead ES, Lahni P, Varisco BM, Zhou W, Carpenter EL, Christie JD, Mangalmurti NS.: Inflammatory and tissue injury marker dynamics in pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome J Clin Invest : 2024.
Metthew Lam LK, Oatman E, Eckart KA, Klingensmith NJ, Flowers E, Sayegh L, Yuen J, Clements RL, Meyer NJ, Jurado KA, Vaughan AE, Eisenbarth SC, Mangalmurti NS: Human red blood cells express the RNA sensor TLR7 Scientific Reports : 2024.
Thompson JC, Li S, Jose JS, Predina J, Gupta A, Eruslanov E, Singhal S, Albelda SM, Mangalmurti NS.: Red blood cells function as reservoirs of tumor DNA Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 326 : L646-L650,2024.
Meghan J. Hotz, Danielle Qing, Michael G. S. Shashaty, Peggy Zhang, Hilary Faust, Neal Sondheimer, Stefano Rivella, G. Scott Worthen, and Nilam S. Mangalmurti: Red Blood Cells Homeostatically Bind Mitochondrial DNA through TLR9 to Maintain Quiescence and to Prevent Lung Injury. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 197 (4): 470-480,2018.
Qing D, Conegliano D, Shashaty MG, Seo J, Reilly JP, Worthen GS, Huh D, Meyer NJ, Mangalmurti NS.: Red Blood Cells Induce Necroptosis of Lung Endothelial Cells and Increase Susceptibility to Lung Inflammation American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 190 (11): 1243-54,2014.
L K Metthew Lam, Jane Dobkin, Kaitlyn A Eckart, Ian Gereg, Andrew DiSalvo, Amber Nolder, Eman Anis, Julie C Ellis, Greg Turner, Nilam S Mangalmurti: Bat Red Blood Cells Express Nucleic Acid-Sensing Receptors and Bind RNA and DNA Immunohorizons 6 (5): 299-306,2022.
Michael G. S. Shashaty, MD, MSCE; John P. Reilly, M.D., M.S.C.E.; Hilary E. Faust, M.D.; Caitlin M. Forker, B.A.; Caroline A. G. Ittner, Ph.D.; Peggy X. Zhang, B.S.; Meghan J. Hotz, B.S.; David Fitzgerald; Wei Yang, Ph.D.; Brian J. Anderson, M.D., M.S.C.E.; Daniel N. Holena, MD, MSCE; Paul N. Lanken, M.D., M.S.C.E.; Jason D. Christie, M.D., M.S.C.E.; Nuala J. Meyer, MD, MS; Nilam S. Mangalmurti, M.D.: Plasma receptor interacting protein kinase-3 levels are associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome in sepsis and trauma: a cohort study Critical Care 23 (1): 235 published on-line,2019.
Mangalmurti Nilam S, Xiong Zeyu, Hulver Mei, Ranganathan Mrunalini, Liu Xiang Hong, Oriss Timothy, Fitzpatrick Meghan, Rubin Marc, Triulzi Darrell, Choi Augustine, Lee Janet S: Loss of red cell chemokine scavenging promotes transfusion-related lung inflammation. Blood 113 (5): 1158-66,2009.
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