Selected Publications
Tisdall MD*, Reuter M*, Qureshi A, Buckner RL, Fischl B, van der Kouwe AJW.: Prospective motion correction with volumetric navigators (vNavs) reduces the bias and variance in brain morphometry induced by subject motion. NeuroImage 127 : 11-22,2016.
Fan Q, Witzel T, Nummenmaa A, Van Dijk KRA, Van Horn JD, Drews MK, Somerville LH, Sheridan MA, Santillana RM, Snyder J, Hedden T, Shaw EE, Hollinshead MO, Renvall V, Zanzonico R, Keil B, Cauley S, Polimeni JR, Tisdall MD, Buckner RL, Wedeen VJ, Wald LL, Toga AW, Rosen BR.: MGH–USC Human Connectome Project datasets with ultra-high b-value diffusion MRI. NeuroImage 124 : 1108-1114,2016.
Frost R, Hess AT, Okell TW, Chappell MA, Tisdall MD, van der Kouwe AJW, Jezzard P.: Prospective motion correction and selective reacquisition using volumetric navigators for vessel-encoded arterial spin labeling dynamic angiography. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 76 (5): 1420-1430,2016.
Reuter M*, Tisdall MD*, Qureshi A, Buckner RL, van der Kouwe AJW, Fischl B.: Head motion during MRI acquisition reduces gray matter volume and thickness estimates. NeuroImage 107 : 107-115,2015.
Bhat H, Tisdall MD, Cauley S, Witzel T, Setsompop K, van der Kouwe AJW, Heberlein K.: Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) Accelerated EPI Navigators for Prospective Motion Correction in the Brain.
Proceedings of the ISMRM
: 2015.
Grinstead J, Bhat H, Tisdall MD, van der Kouwe AJW, Rooney WD, Laub G.: Simultaneous MPRAGE and Non-Contrast MRA with Prospective Motion Correction Using Volumetric Navigators. Proceedings of the ISMRM : 2015.
McDaniel P, Gagoski B, Tisdall MD, van der Kouwe AJW, Grant PE, Wald LL, Adalsteinsson E.: Quantification of Fetal Motion Tracked with Volumetric Navigator MRI Acquisitions. Proceedings of the ISMRM : 2015.
Mareyam A, Polimeni JR, Stevens A, van der Kouwe AJW, Bridgers LD, Stockmann JP, Tisdall MD, Tirrell L, Moreau AL, Varjabedian A, Edlow BL, Fischl B, Wald LL.: Array Coil and Sample Preparation and Support System for Whole Brain Ex Vivo Imaging at 100 µm. Proceedings of the ISMRM : 2015.
Wighton P, Tisdall MD, Nevo E, van der Kouwe AJW.: Using Brain Imaging Data to Detect and Correct Non-Rigid Sensor Motion in Prospective Motion Correction. Proceedings of the ISMRM : 2015.
Bhat H, Tisdall MD, Cauley S, Witzel T, Setsompop K, van der Kouwe AJW, Heberlein K.: Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) Accelerated EPI Navigators for Prospective Motion Correction in the Brain. Proceedings of the ISMRM : 2015.
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