Selected Publications
Hamilton KW, Hua E, Dutcher L, Fernandez Lynch H, Junker P, Doucette AG, Werner D, Kannel EZ, Civitello T, Gabriel P, Ahya VN, Jacobs DA, Garfall A, Pratz K, Degnan KO, Blumberg EA, Capozzi D, Craig E, Takach P, Payne AS, Geara A, Koenig H, Holzman L, Tebas P.: Implementation of an Approach to Equitable Allocation of SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibodies for Preexposure Prophylaxis: Experience From a Single Medical Center Open Forum Infectious Diseases 11 (8): ofae388,2024.
Harrigan JJ, Hamilton KW, Cressman L, Bilker WB, Degnan KO, David MZ, Tran D, Pegues DA, Dutcher L.: Antibiotic Prescribing Patterns for Respiratory Tract Illnesses Following the Conclusion of an Education and Feedback Intervention in Primary Care Clinical Infectious Diseases 78 (5): 1120-1127,2024.
Serletti L, Dutcher L, Degnan KO, Szymczak JE, Cluzet V, David, MZ, Cressman L, Glassman LW, Hamilton, KW: Analysis of seasonal variation of antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract diagnoses in primary care practices. Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology 3 (1): e147,2023.
Anesi GL, Degnan K, Dutcher L, Saw S, Maguire C, Binkley A, Patel S, Athans V, Barton TD, Binkley S, Candeloro CL, Herman DJ, Kasbekar N, Kennedy L, Millstein JH, Meyer NJ, Talati NJ, Patel H, Pegues DA, Sayre PJ, Tebas P, Terico AT, Murphy KM, O'Donnell JA, White M, Hamilton KW.: The Penn Medicine COVID-19 Therapeutics Committee-Reflections on a Model for Rapid Evidence Review and Dynamic Practice Recommendations During a Public Health Emergency Open Forum Infect Dis. 10 (8): ofab231,2023.
Sara Rendell, Eric Goren, Keith W. Hamilton, Kathleen O. Degnan.: Accessible Antibiotic Stewardship: Development of an Open-source, Interactive Online Curriculum
ID Week : 2022.
Kathleen O. Degnan; Stephen Saw; Tiffany Lee; Vasilios Athans; Sonal Patel; Shawn Binkley; Joy Uzoma; Keith W. Hamilton; David Do; Lauren Dutcher.
: Impact of a Real-Time Electronic Alert on Antibiotic Treatment Duration for Pneumonia in Hospitalized Patients
ID Week : 2022.
Dutcher L, Degnan K, Adu-Gyamfi AB, Lautenbach E, Cressman L, David MZ, Cluzet V, Szymczak JE, Pegues DA, Bilker W, Tolomeo P, Hamilton KW.: Improving Outpatient Antibiotic Prescribing for Respiratory Tract Infections in Primary Care: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial. Clinical infectious diseases IDSA 74 (6): 56-63,2022.
Degnan KO, Cluzet V, David MZ, Dutcher L, Cressman L, Lautenbach E, Hamilton KW: Development and validation of antibiotic stewardship metrics for outpatient respiratory tract diagnoses and association of provider characteristics with inappropriate prescribing Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 43 (1): 56-63,2022.
Wein M, Binkley S, Athans V, Saw S, Lee T, Patel S, Hamilton KW, Binkley A, Degnan K, Glaser L, Dutcher L, Talati NJ, Richard-Greenblatt M.: Assessment of Clinical Outcomes and Antibiotic Prescribing Patterns Following Implementation of the GenMark ePlex® Blood Culture Identification Panel for Gram-positive Bloodstream Infections. Open Forum Infect Dis. 4 (8): 2021.
Bar KJ, Shaw PA, Choi GH, Aqui N, Fesnak A, Yang JB, Soto-Calderon H, Grajales L, Starr J, Andronov M, Mastellone M, Amonu C, Feret G, DeMarshall M, Buchanan M, Caturla M, Gordon J, Wanicur A, Monroy MA, Mampe F, Lindemuth E, Gouma S, Mullin AM, Barilla H, Pronina A, Irwin L, Thomas R, Eichinger RA, Demuth F, Luning Prak ET, Pascual JL, Short WR, Elovitz MA, Baron J, Meyer NJ, Degnan KO, Frank I, Hensley SE, Siegel DL, Tebas P.: A randomized controlled study of convalescent plasma for individuals hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia The Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (24): e155114,2021.
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Patient appointments: 800-789-7366