Selected Publications
John E. Connolly, Michael V. Genuardi, Jorge I. Mora, Stuart B. Prenner: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction risk is associated with
prevalence and severity of obstructive sleep apnea Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 20 (3): 381-387,2024.
Mora JI, Schwab RJ: Sleep-related Hypoventilation Syndromes Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders. Sixth Edition : 1751-1764,2023.
Goldberg LR, Fox H, Stellbrink C, Bozkurt B, Boehmer JP, Mora JI, Doshi R, Morgenthaler TI, Levy WC, Meyer TE, McKane SW, Germany R; remede System Therapy Study Group: Design of the remede System Therapy (reST) study: A prospective non-randomized post-market study collecting clinical data on safety and effectiveness of the remede system for the treatment of central sleep apnea Sleep Med (100): 238-243,2022.
Cheon C Dedhia R Mora J, Schwartz A: Enhanced Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy: Distinguishing Central from Obstructive Apnea AASM 2022 Conference : 2022.
Dorsch JJ, Mora JI: Chronic Hypercarbic Respiratory Failure: Pathogenesis and Management Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders. Sixth Edition
: 2488-2506,2022.
Yaeger A, Keenan BT, Cash NR, Parham T, Deo R, Frankel DS, Schaller RD, Santangeli P, Nazarrian S, Supple GE, Arkles J, Kumareswaran R, Hyman MC, Riley MP, Garcia FC, Lin D, Epstein AE, Callans DJ, Mora JI, Amaro A, Schwab R, Pack A, Marchlnski FE, Dixit S: Impact of a nurse-led limited risk factor modification program on arrhythmia outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing catheter ablation J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 31 (2): 423-431,2020.
Yaeger A, Cash NR, Rarham T, Frankel DS, Deo R, Schaller RD, Santangeli P, Nazarian S, Supple GE, Arkles J, Riley MP, Garcia FC, Lin D, Epstein AE, Callans DJ, Marchlinski FE, Kolansky DM, Mora JI, Amaro A, Schwab, R, Pack A, Dixit S: A Nurse-Led Limited Risk Factor Modification Program to Address Obesity and Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Atrial Fibrillation Patients J Am Heart Assoc 7 (23): e010414,2018.
Salahuddin M, Reilly T, Mora J: Breast calcifications mimicking pulmonary nodules Clev Clin J Med 84 (8): 584-585,2017.
Mora-Carpio AL, Mora JI: Positive End-expiratory Pressure (PEEP) StatPearls (epub) : 2017.
Mora-Carpio AL, Mora JI: Ventilation, Ventilator Management StatPearls (epub) : 2017.
Academic Contact Information
Penn Sleep Center
3624 Market Street
Suite 201
Phone: 215-662-7772
Patient appointments: 800-789-7366