Selected Publications
Sompalle P, Sarker A, Love J, Moon J, Spadaro A, Wightman R, Perrone J: Deep Learning-Based Detection of Xylazine Exposure from Wound Imaging Presented at 2025 Innovations in Addiction Medicine and Science Conference, Denver, CO : 2025.
Dhanaliwala A, Deutsch A, Moon J, Lalevic D, Chambers C, Cook T: Development and Deployment of an Emergency Department Radiology Dashboard to Improve Communication and Transparency of Radiologic Imaging and Report Status Journal of the American College of Radiology : 2024.
Lowenstein M, Perrone J, McFadden R, Xiong RA, Meisel ZF, Abedl-Rahman D, Moon J, Mitra N, Delgado MK: Impact of Emergency Department Universal Screening and Automated Clinical Decision Support for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis Annals of Emergency Medicine : 2023.
Iocca J, Jeff Moon J, Epps M, Mallozzi C: EHR Wellness: Reducing the noise of CDS tools in the emergency department Presented at 2023 American Medical Informatics Association Clinical Informatics Conference, Chicago IL : 2023.
Moon, J: Redesign of Opioid Use Disorder Screening and Treatment in the ED Presented at 2022 Epic Users Group Meeting, Verona WI : 2022.
Deutsch A, Dhanaliwala A, Moon J, Chambers C, Lalevic D, Albert A, Cook T: Emergency Department Radiology Dashboard: An Innovative Communication Tool for Imaging Turnaround Time Scientific Assembly, Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, New Orleans, LA : 2022.
Yadav KN, Moon JC, Delgado MK.: Association between the Change in EHR Menu of Routine Orders on Opioid and Non-Opioid Analgesia Administered in Emergency Departments. 2020 Roybal Retreat, UPenn CHIBE-PAIR Roybal Centers (Philadelphia, PA) | Talk | 10.2020. 42th Annual North American Meeting, Society of Medical Decision Making (Virtual Conference) : 2020.
Moon, JC, Pasternack, J: An Itchy Rash on My Hand SAEM Clinical Images Exhibit, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting : 2015.
Moon JC, Kamali M.: Strong Memorial Hospital Hosts Congressional Visit New York American College of Emergency Physicians, Empire State EPIC Newsletter 31 : 2014.
Click K, Harmon C, Moon JC: Sedation Gone Away in the Emergency Department Third Annual Lawrence Educational Symposium: Highlight on Sedation, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY : 2014.
Academic Contact Information
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
Department of Emergency Medicine Administration
Ground Floor, Ravdin Building
3400 Spruce Street