Description of Research Expertise
I have an academic focus limited to breast cancer. My research interests have been focused on shortening radiation courses by hypofractionation, intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) with concurrent boost, proton beam radiation, and cardiac effects of radiation therapy/techniques to reduce cardiac dose in breast cancer. I have published over 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts, review articles and book chapters about breast cancer, radiation for early and advanced stage disease, radiation for intact breast and post-mastectomy indications, and radiation therapy techniques and side effects.
Selected Publications
Berlin et al: Cardiac Effects of Modern Breast Radiation Therapy in Patients Receiving Systemic Cancer Therapy JACC: CardioOncology : 2025.
Cederquist GY, Boe LA, Walsh M, Freedman GM, Maxwell KN, Taunk N, Braunstein LZ: Radiation-Associated Secondary Cancer in Patients With Breast Cancer Harboring TP53 Germline Variants JAMA Oncology : 2024.
Choi JI, Freedman G, Guttman D, Ahmed K, Gao W, Walker E, Harris L, Gonzalez V, Ye J, Nead K, Taunk N, Tadros A, Dang C, Daroui P, Novick K: Executive Summary of the American Radium Society (ARS) Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC): Regional Nodal Irradiation for Breast Cancer American Journal of Clinical Oncology : 2024.
Hahn EA, Pugh SL, Lu HL, Vela AM, Gillespie EF, Nichols EM, Wright JL, MacDonald SM, Cahlon O, Baas C, Braunstein LZ, Fang LC, Freedman GM, Jimenez RB, Kesslering CM, Mishra MV, Mutter RW, Ohri N, Rosen LR, Urbanic JJ, Jagsi R, Mitchell SA, Bekelman JE, Cella D; RadComp (Radiotherapy Comparative Effectiveness Consortium).: Validation of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients With Nonmetastatic Breast Cancer Receiving Comprehensive Nodal Irradiation in the RadComp Trial Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 120 : 149-161,2024.
Iwai Y, Perez-Rojas S, Thomas SM, Tadros AB, Woodward SG, Zhang JQ, Elmore LC, Freedman GM, Tchou JC, Bleznak AD, Fayanju OM: Guideline-Concordant Surgical Care for Lobular Versus Ductal Inflammatory Breast Cancer Ann Surg Oncol : 2024.
Freedman GM, Li T, Garver E, Shillington K, Shinkle B, Tchou JC, Fayanju OM, Lin L, Taunk NK: Five-year outcomes of a phase I/II trial of accelerated partial breast irradiation using proton therapy for women with stage 0-IIA breast cancer Advances in Radiation Oncology 9 (2): 2023.
Manik R, Grady CB, Elmore LC, Fieber JH, Freedman GM, Jankowitz RC, Tchou JC, Zhang JQ, Hubbard RA, Fayanju OM: Temporal Trends and Factors Associated with Receipt of Post-Mastectomy Radiation after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Women with cT3 Breast Cancer ASO : 2023.
Novick K, Chadha M, Daroui P, Freedman G, Gao W, Hunt K, Park C, Rewari A, Suh W, Walker W, Wong J, Harris EE: American Radium Society Appropriate Use Criteria Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy: Executive Summary of Clinical Topics Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys : 2023.
Berlin E, Yegya-Raman N, Hollawell C, Haertter A, Rhodes S, Seol S, Gentile M, Li T, Freedman GM, Taunk NK: Breast Reconstruction Complications Following Post-Mastectomy Proton Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer Advances in Radiation Oncology 9 (3): 2023.
Jagsi R, Griffith KA, Harris EE, Wright JL, Recht A, Taghian AG, Lee L, Moran MS, Small Jr W, Johnstone C, Rahimi A, Freedman G, Muzaffar M, Haffty B, Horst K, Powell SN, Sharp J, Sabel M, Schott A, El-Tamer M: Omission of Radiotherapy After Breast-Conserving Surgery for Women With Breast Cancer With Low Clinical and Genomic Risk: 5-Year Outcomes of IDEA J Clin Oncol : 2023.
Academic Contact Information
Radiation Oncology
Perelman School of Medicine
PCAM / TRC 4 West
3400 Civic Center Blvd
Phone: 215-615-6767
Patient appointments: 800-789-7366