Selected Publications
Shanelle B. Mendes, K. Charlotte Lee, Erik X. Tan, Jeremy M. Jones, Keith W. Hamilton, Flint Y. Wang, Andrew W. Maier, Farah N. Hussain, Peter Labbe, Margot E. Cohen: Evaluation of a Novel Internal Medicine Clerkship High Value Care Curriculum using Patient Bills
DOM Medicine Research Day Poster : 2024.
Harleen Marwah, Isha Thapar, Mark McShane, Genevieve S Silva, Harrison Goodall, Noreena Lewis, Paul Devine Bottone, Farah Hussain: A Longitudinal Pediatric Residency Climate Justice Curriculum Journal of Graduate Medical Education : 2024.
Andrew Orr, Farah Hussain, Michelle Silver, Oana Tomescu, Dorene Balmer \: Patients, Peers, and Personal Identity: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study Exploring the Transformative Potential of the Arts and Humanities in Intern Training. Academic Medicine : 2024.
Michelle Silver, Farah Hussain: A Resident Narrative Medicine Curriculum to Promote Profession Identity Development: A Story-Based Intervention Grounded in Narrative Learning Theory. MedEdPortal : 2024.
CL Frost, EX Tan, JM Jones, SB Mendes, KW Hamilton, FY Wang, AW Maier, FN Hussain, P Labbe, ME Cohen: “Sticker Shock”: Success of a Novel High Value Care (HVC) Curriculum Using Actual Patient Bills
AAMC Poster Session : 2024.
Andrew Orr, Farah Hussain, Oana Tomescu, Horace Delisser, Karen Grundy, Suzannah Niepold, Adam Rizzo, Sarah Shaw, Dorene Balmer: Extending Arts‑Based Interventions in Graduate Medical Education through the Positive Humanities: the Re‑FRAME Workshop Journal of General Internal Medicine : 2023.
Farah Hussain, Mary Yaden, Oana Tomescu: Chapter 7: Individual-Focused Well-Being Interventions for Trainees (in "Caring for Caregivers to Be: A Comprehensive Approach to Developing Well-Being Programs for the Health Care Learner") Oxford University Press : 2023.
A. Orr, F. Hussain, H. DeLisser, O. Tomescu, D. Balmer: Discovering “Depth and Texture” on the Wards: A Museum-Based Visual Art Workshop for Internal Medicine Interns
NEGEA Conference Abstract/Poster: : 2022.
M. Silver and F. Hussain: Integration of Narrative Medicine Curricula in Primary Care Residency Improves Personal and Professional Identity Development
2022 SGIM Conference Abstract/Poster: : 2022.
Michelle Silver and Farah Hussain: The Power of Storytelling: Integration of Narrative Medicine into Internal Medicine Primary Care Residency Curricula Improves Connectedness Among Residents NEGEA Conference Abstract/Poster : 2021.
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