Selected Publications
Bassam AlHamer, Ajit Singh, Carmen Patrascu, Mona Al Mukaddam: Tumor induced osteomalacia due to sarcomatoid non small cell lung carcinoma JCEM case reports 2 (6): 2024.
Bassam AlHamer, Ajit Singh, Carmen Patrascu, Mona Al Mukaddam: Hyperexpression of FGF-23 in a Pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma with Fanconi syndrome causing recalcitrant hypophosphatemia case report and poster - second prize ACP meeting Philadelphia Chapter
: 2022.
Tanuja Yalamarti, Shahrzad Zonoozi, Adu Ntoso, Carmen Patrascu: hypokalemic periodic paralysis and Hypertension in Pregnancy ASN Annual Meeting : 2019.
Gluhovschi G, Schiller A, Raica M, Petrica L, Trandafirescu V, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Patrascu C: The effects of the therapy with natural glucosaminoglycans (Sulodexide)in proteinuria in different types of glomerulonephritis. Facta Universitatis 8 (1): 26-30,2001.
Gluhovic G, Schiller A, Velciov S, Rosiu B, Petria L, Trandafirescu V, Buzdog G, Patrascu C: HBV and HCV infection associated with chronic glomerulonephritis-etiologic considerations, therapeutic implications. Nefrologia 2 (2): 249-252,1997.
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