Selected Publications
Fanaroff AC, Vora AN, Wojdyla DM, Mehran R, Granger CB, Goodman SG, Aronson R, Windecker S, Alexander JH, Lopes RD.: Effect of apixaban versus vitamin K antagonist and aspirin versus placebo on days alive and out of hospital: An analysis from AUGUSTUS. Am Heart J 280 : 60-69,2025.
Ramadan OI, Yang L, Shultz K, Genovese E, Damrauer SM, Wang GJ, Secemsky EA, Treat-Jacobson DJ, Womeodu RJ, Fakorede FA, Nathan AS, Eberly LA, Julien HM, Kobayashi TJ, Groeneveld PW, Giri J, Fanaroff AC.: Racial, socioeconomic, and geographic disparities in pre-amputation vascular care for patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes : e010931,2025.
Shah T, Fanaroff AC.: State-of-the-Art Review: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Curr Treat Options Cardio Med. 27 : 13,2025.
Reddy KP, Mehta S, Eberly LA, Khatana SAM, Wang GJ, Damrauer SM, Fanaroff AC, Groeneveld PW, Giri J, Nathan AS.: Delayed or forgone medical care associated with increased resource utilization and health care expenditures among patients with peripheral artery disease in the United States. J Vasc Surg. : 0741-5214(25)00022-9,2025.
Schwartz AW, Shah Y, Huang H, Nathan A, Fanaroff AC, Giri JS, Parikh SA, Lansky AJ, Shah T.: Comparison of Endovascular Interventions for the Treatment of Superficial Femoral Artery Disease: A Network Meta-analysis. J Soc Cardiovasc Angiogr Interv. 4 (1): 102432,2025.
Mehta M, Fanaroff AC, Rhodes CM, Xiong A, Snider CK, Fagen EM, Harhay MO, Mehrabyan N, Peifer MK, Volpp KG, Delgado MK: Changing default prescription length to reduce barriers to statin adherence: Impact on equity JAMA Intern Med : 2025.
Fanaroff AC, Huang Q, Norton LA, Kellum WE, Eichelberger D, Wood JC, Bricker Z, Dooley Wood AG, Kemmer G, Smith JI, Adusumalli S, Putt ME, Volpp KG.: Encouraging Pharmacist Referrals for Evidence-Based Statin Initiation: Two Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trials. JAMA Cardiol : 2025.
Sanyi A, Byiringiro S, Dabiri S, Jacobson M, Boyd A, Ogunniyi MO, Morris AA, Kohn R, Dickert NW, Lane-Fall MB, Lewis EF, Halpern SD, Fanaroff AC.: Measuring representativeness in clinical trials. Circulation : 2025.
Reddy KP, Shutlz K, Eberly LA, Khatana SAM, Fanaroff AC, David G, Cohen DJ, Groeneveld PW, Giri J, Nathan AS.: Revenues, costs, and contribution margins of major inpatient cardiovascular procedures within the Medicare population. Am Heart J 281 : 43-48,2024.
Kohn R, Sheu D, Britez Ferrante E, Lieberman A, Maitra MR, Drakes J, Stephens-Shields AJ, Okoh AK, Fanaroff AC, Morris AA, Ogunniyi MO, Dickert NW, Halpern SD, Lane-Fall MB: Who Are We Missing? Reporting of Ethnicity, Race, and Sex-Specific Populations in Clinical Trials J Am Heart Assoc : e037375,2024.
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