Portrait of John J. Herman, the CEO of Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health

I think we all will agree that working in health care continues to be very challenging. While these challenges have the potential to bring about negative emotions – and even feelings of trauma — they also provide an opportunity for growth.

Throughout my life, I’ve found that two things can help me get through difficult times: acting with purpose and receiving positive feedback from someone who cares.

When my daughter was a teenager, we struggled with a decision about her academic path. As her parents, we acted with a clear purpose in mind and made the decision we felt was best for her. She did not agree, and she was incredibly unhappy with us. That was hard, and none of us were sure it was the right thing to do. But years later, when she was in college, she thanked us for making the right decision. Although that positive feedback didn’t come right away, it meant a great deal to us.

While this is an example from my family life, the same applies professionally. I am grateful for the heartfelt words of appreciation, empathy or compassion a colleague gives me while I am going through a difficult time. With that in mind, I ask you to consider sending a Legacy Moments recognition to acknowledge a colleague for positively impacting your life. You can access Legacy Moments from the top right corner of the StarNet homepage.

On the longest and hardest days, I have also found inspiration and camaraderie by reading a few stories on the Live Your Legacy page on StarNet. I encourage you to visit the page for uplifting stories about how your colleagues are living their legacy at Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health. Then take a few minutes to connect with others by sharing your own story or commenting on what others have posted.

We recognize and appreciate all that you have done throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We know it has been hard. I believe the best way for us to get through these rough patches is by acting with purpose and pulling together and supporting one another. In doing so, I believe we will become stronger as a team and an organization.

Thank you again for all you do each day.

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