colon cancer ppmc
Each year, over 140,000 Americans are diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Those with relatives who have been diagnosed are twice as likely to develop colorectal cancer themselves, and a history of inflammatory bowel disease or colon polyps also increases the risk. However, a simple colonoscopy can make all the difference, and if caught early, there is a 90 percent chance of recovery.

Help PPMC spread awareness all month long, starting with National Dress in Blue Day on Friday, March 2. Be sure to take a photo of you or your team decked out in blue, post it to Facebook or Twitter, and tag @PennCancer! Looking for colorectal cancer awareness stickers for your staff? Reach out to Marketing coordinator Phil Stoltzfus at or 215.614.0025.

Most importantly, be sure to encourage your friends, family members, and colleagues – especially if they’re over 50! – to understand their risk, learn about the symptoms, adopt healthier lifestyle choices, and schedule a screening today at

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