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Adult Congenital Heart Center Earns Accreditation

In recognition of its expertise in serving adults with congenital heart disease (CHD), the Philadelphia Adult Congenital Heart Center has received accreditation from the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA), a nationwide organization based in Philadelphia that is focused on connecting patients, family members and healthcare providers to form a community of support and network of experts with knowledge of CHD.

A Joint Program of Penn Medicine and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

People born with congenital heart defects (CHD) are living better than ever before thanks to advancing medical and surgical innovations.

Penn Medicine and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia are at the forefront of these innovations and have joined forces to create the Philadelphia Adult Congenital Heart Center.

Why Choose the Philadelphia Adult Congenital Heart Center?

Our team of experts are specially trained in the complex anatomy and heart function of adults with congenital heart disease. With a focus on education and counseling, we empower patients to help them monitor own health and deal with the non-cardiac issues that often accompany congenital heart disease.

In This Section

Preparing for Your Appointment

Here is how to prepare for your visit to the Philadelphia Adult Congenital Heart Center.

Why Choose Us

More adult congenital heart disease patients chose us over any other program in Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware.

Adult Congenital Heart Disease Treatment Team

Meet the adult congenital heart disease team.

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