Kidney Cancer Surgery

Kidney cancer surgery offers hope to many people because it can cure the cancer. For this reason, it is one of the main treatments for kidney cancer, a type of urologic cancer. Surgery to remove part or all of the kidney is called nephrectomy.

Your long-term quality of life matters to us. That’s why we do everything we can to treat you without complete removal of the kidney. While many people do well with one working kidney, we maximize your kidney function with this approach. You are also more likely to avoid complications, such as the need for dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Nephrectomy and Kidney Cancer Surgery: Why Choose the Abramson Cancer Center?

We are a high-volume kidney cancer surgery program, treating a large number of patients each year. High-volume programs like ours have more experience, which leads to fewer complications and better outcomes.

We also offer:

  • Surgical expertise: Our skilled surgeons are among the best in the U.S. They have completed the highest level of surgical training (fellowship) in urologic cancer surgery and minimally invasive surgery. Their special expertise means they can successfully perform complex procedures that others can’t.
  • Experience in complex surgeries: We have deep experience in highly complex, multi-organ surgeries. Sometimes, kidney tumors can grow and spread into other organs in the abdomen. Our surgeons work alongside heart, vascular and colorectal surgeons in the same operating room to remove these complicated tumors. They also treat a condition called renal cell carcinoma with IVC thrombus. It happens when the tumor has grown into the blood vessels that connect to the heart.
  • TumorGlow® technology: We are currently investigating new technologies to improve surgical outcomes. In our intraoperative molecular imaging program, we use a special fluorescent dye to make tumors glow during surgery. Surgeons can see and remove them more easily, preserving your quality of life. Learn more about TumorGlow technology.
  • Excellence in partial nephrectomy: We offer great outcomes in partial nephrectomy. Partial nephrectomies remove just part of the kidney, which helps protect kidney (renal) function. We’re also experts in complex robotic-assisted partial nephrectomies and repeat partial nephrectomies that involve a lot of scar tissue.
  • Convenient, safe care: You can have a telemedicine consultation with our surgeons. We also offer Penn Connected Health virtual visits to help you prepare for and recover after surgery.

Minimally Invasive Kidney Surgery at the Abramson Cancer Center

We use minimally invasive methods, such as robotic-assisted surgery, to remove both large and small tumors. By taking this approach, our patients experience:

  • Less blood loss, scarring and pain
  • Lower risks for complications
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Faster recoveries

Radical Nephrectomy (Full Kidney Removal)

A radical nephrectomy involves the removal of the entire kidney with the tumors. Sometimes doctors also remove the adrenal gland on top of the kidney (adrenalectomy), affected lymph nodes (regional lymphadenectomy) and fatty tissue surrounding the kidney.

You might have a:

  • Traditional nephrectomy: Traditional nephrectomy is an open surgery with one large incision.
  • Laparoscopic nephrectomy: Laparoscopic surgery is minimally invasive surgery. During laparoscopic surgery, doctors access your kidney through several tiny incisions. To see inside your body, your surgeon inserts a laparoscope (a thin, tube-like instrument with a video camera) through one of the incisions.

Partial Nephrectomy (Nephron-Sparing Surgery)

A partial nephrectomy removes only the kidney tumor and tissue around it. Doctors also call it nephron-sparing surgery after the tiny filtering units (nephrons) that make up your kidneys. Because you keep your kidney, you’re able to preserve more long-term function.

Our surgeons make every attempt to avoid complete kidney removal. Their skill and experience help them more precisely remove tumors, reducing the chance for recurrence (when cancer comes back).

Robotic Nephrectomy

Our surgeons specialize in robotic-assisted radical and partial nephrectomies. We treat many people using the da Vinci® Surgical System, the only FDA-approved surgical robot in the U.S.

As one of the most experienced robotic-assisted surgery teams in the world, our surgeons use da Vinci robotic surgery to the fullest. They successfully perform complex partial nephrectomies that other centers can’t. These difficult procedures include surgeries for people who have had previous kidney surgeries or people whose weight makes surgery more challenging.

Benefits of Robotic-Assisted Nephrectomy

Robotic surgery makes it easier for surgeons to maximize long-term kidney function. During kidney surgery, surgeons often clamp the renal artery (carries blood from the heart to the kidney) to prevent the kidney from bleeding too much. But stopping blood flow for too long can affect kidney function.

Robotic surgery helps doctors lessen the time the renal artery is clamped. Kidney tumor removal with da Vinci robotic surgery is also more precise because the robotic arms move well in smaller spaces. Robotic surgery leads to more effective stitching (suturing) and better outcomes.

Palliative Surgery for Kidney Cancer

Sometimes surgery can improve your quality of life when cancer has spread (metastasized). Removing metastatic kidney tumors can help you experience less pain and relief from other symptoms. Learn more about palliative care.

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