Cervical Cancer

At Penn Medicine's Abramson Cancer Center, patients with cervical cancer receive their care from a multidisciplinary team of nationally recognized experts in the diagnosis, treatment and research of gynecologic cancers.

At the Jordan Center for Gynecologic Cancers, part of the Abramson Cancer Center, we are pioneers in gynecologic oncology and have a national reputation for outstanding patient care and innovative cervical cancer treatment approaches.

What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer develops in the cervix, the narrow outer end of the uterus that extends into the vagina. It develops slowly, first appearing as abnormal cells in cervical tissue. These abnormal cells can be found by a Pap test during an annual gynecologic exam. These abnormal cells can eventually become cancer cells. When diagnosed early, cervical cancer is curable and patients have an excellent chance of recovery.

Types of cervical cancer

As a high-volume cancer center, we are experienced in treating a variety of cervical cancer types:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma. This is the most common type of cervical cancer, consisting of flat, thin cells called squamous cells that cover the surface of the cervix. It is cervical cancer most often associated with human papillomavirus (HPV).
  • Adenocarcinoma. This type of cancer develops in the mucus-producing glands of the endocervix, the opening to the uterus.
  • Clear-cell carcinoma. This is a rare cervical cancer type that can develop in the genital tract.