Selected Publications
Vahdatpour CA, De Young S, Jaber JF, Ayyoub J, Sommers T, Wen C, Lim T, Owoyema O, Davin K, Kinniry P, Nwankwo O, Austin A, .: Clinical characteristics and outcomes of covid-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome (Ards) survivors in early pandemic: a single healthcare system retrospective study. Cureus 14 (7): e26801,2022.
Chundi V, Eichholz A, Nwankwo O, Kinlaw A, Kufel W, Medlin T, Fletcher L, Marx A, Farel C.: Adverse Drug Reactions Among Patients Enrolled in an Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) Program 2015–2016 at UNC Medical Center. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2017 Poster presented at: IDweek 2017 : 2017.
Nwankwo, O., Eichholz, A., Chundi, V., Kinlaw, A., Medlin, T., Fletcher, L., … Marx, A: Characterization of Readmissions Among Patients Enrolled in an Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) Program Over a 2-Year Period at UNC Medical Presented at IDweek : 2017.
1., Nwankwo, O., Weber, D., Dibiase, L., Sickbert-Bennett, E., Rutala, W: Secondary Bloodstream Infections; Pathogens and Site of Primary Infection Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of American Spring Conference : 2016.
2., Nwankwo, O., Flannery, E., Chang, S., Watts, B., Stiefel, U. (2009, September).: Impact Of Active Surveillance and Interventions to Decrease Central Line Associated (CLA) Bloodstream Infections (BSI) on Rates of Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)BSI at a VA Medical Center Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy : 2009.
Nwankwo, O., Chiang, S., Fagen, K., Khatri, S. (2008, January).: Association Between Local Steel Mill Activity, Ambient Particulate Pollution and Adult Cardiac Emergency Room Admissions Lepow Medical Student Research Symposium : 2008.
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