Selected Publications
Leontiev, O., Shlansky-Goldberg, R., Stavropoulos, SW., Mondschein, J., Itkin, M., Clark, T., Trerotola, SO: Should all inflow stenoses be treated in failing hemodialysis fistulae? Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 25 (4): 542-547,2014.
Oleg Leontiev, Jeffrey I Mondschein, Mandeep S Dagli, Timothy W I Clark, Michael C Soulen, S William Stavropoulos, Cormac Farrelly, Richard D Shlansky-Goldberg, Scott O Trerotola: Catheter-based intraaccess blood flow measurement as a problem-solving tool in hemodialysis access intervention Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 24 (5): 717-721,2013.
Leontiev, O., Buracas, G., Liang, C., Ances, B., Perthen, P., Shmuel, A., Buxton, R.: Coupling of cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism is conserved for chromatic and luminance stimuli in human visual cortex Neuroimage 68 : 221-228,2013.
Thesen T, Leontiev O, Song T, Dehghani N, Hagler D, Huang M, Buxton R, Halgren E: Depression of Cortical Activity in Humans by Mild Hypercapnia Human Brain Mapping 33 (3): 715-726,2012.
Trerotola SO, Leontiev O: Direct Intra-access flow measurements as a problem solving tool in hemodialysis access interventions Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) 37th Annual Scientific Meeting : 2012.
Ances BM, Sisti D, Vaida F, Liang CL, Leontiev O, Perthen J, Buxton RB, Benson D, Smith D, Little S, Richman D, Moore DJ, Ellis RJ: Resting Cerebral Blood Flow: A Potential Biomarker of the Effects of HIV in the Brain Neurology 73 (9): 702-708,2009.
Ances BM, Liang CL, Leontiev O, Perthen JE, Fleisher A, Lansing A, Buxton: Effects of Aging on Blood Flow, Oxygen Metabolism and Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) responses to visual stimulation Human Brain Mapping 30 (4): 1120-1132,2009.
Leontiev O, Buracas GT, Liang C, Perthen JE, Ances BM, Buxton RB: Highly conserved CBF/CMRO2 coupling in human primary visual cortex for chromatic and luminance stimuli International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition : 2008.
Ances BM, Leontiev O, Perthen JE, Liang C, Lansing AE, Buxton RB: Regional Differences in the Coupling of Cerebral Blood Flow and Oxygen Metabolism Changes in Response to Activation: Implications for BOLD-fMRI NeuroImage 39 (4): 1120-1132,2008.
Leontiev, O., Dubinsky, T.: CT-based calcium scoring to screen for coronary artery disease: why aren't we there yet? American Journal of Roentgenology 189 (5): 1061-1063,2007.
Academic Contact Information
Phoenixville Hospital
Department of Radiology
140 Nutt Rd