Selected Publications
Eric Woods, MD, Hadeel Alkhairw, MD, Kavita Chapla, MD, Sheetal Patel, MD, Edward Wu, MD: What Can SGIM Do for You? Maximizing the Value of your Membership through Networking SGIM Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, workshop : 2024.
Chapla Kavita, Levine Rachel, Ayyala Manasa, Robertson Mariah: Mindful Teaching for Health Professions Educators to Enhance Metacognitive Skills, Create Joy, and Foster Learning AMEE (The International Society for Health Professions Education) Conference, workshop : 2024.
Nakostin-Ansari A, Mirabal SC, Mendes TB, Ma YE, Saldana Neves Horta Lima C, Kavita Chapla, Stasia Reynolds, Hannah Oswalt, Scott M Wright, Sean Tackett: What makes an article a must read in medical education? BMC Med Educ 24 (1): 582,2024.
Kavita Chapla: Must Reads in Medical Education: A Systematic Approach to Curate Articles That Deserve More Attention Each Month AAMC Learn Serve Lead 2023, poster : 2023.
Kavita Chapla: What’s mindfulness got to do with it? Mindful Teaching strategies for a changing educational landscape SGIM National Meeting 2023, workshop : 2023.
Chapla, K., Ryznar, E., Wright, S., Levine, R.: “Tune into the learner: A qualitative study of mindful teaching in the clinical setting.” Johns Hopkins Institute for Excellence in Education Conference, Virtual Poster : 2022.
Kavita Chapla: Helping educators keep up with “Must Reads” in medical education AMEE 2022, oral presentation : 2022.
Chapla, K., Ryznar, E., Wright, S., Levine, R.: “Tune into the learner and then reflect on where you’re at: A qualitative study of mindful teaching in the clinical setting.” Society of General Internal Medicine Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, Virtual Poster : 2021.
Nwadiuko J, German J, Chapla K, Wang F, Venkataramani M, Vaidya D, Polk S.: Changes in Health Care Use Among Undocumented Patients, 2014-2018 JAMA Netw Open 4 : e210763,2021.
Chapla, K.: Review of “Storytelling Encounters as Medical Education: Crafting Relational Identity” Doody’s Review Service (on-line) : 2021.
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