Expert Care for Teens and Young Adults

As your child enters young adulthood, it helps to have experts you can depend on. We’re here to listen, answer questions and offer expert guidance.

Meet Our Providers
female doctor talking to teen girl

Your teens and 20s can be a crazy time when everything else seems to be changing at lightning speed.

School gets harder. Social circles shift. College, career, and other life choices need to be made. And then there are all the physical and emotional changes happening. 

The Penn Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine (PAYAM) program gets it, and we’re here to help.

Our practice is unique because we focus solely on the healthcare needs of young women and men between the ages of 12 and 30. We offer comprehensive primary care services in a comfortable setting. When needed, referrals to other medical professionals can be made. 

At our practice, patients have a key role in the decision making in their own healthcare plan.

We understand this is a challenging time in your life. As your healthcare partner, we are committed to facilitating your transition from adolescence to adulthood. 

To make an appointment call: 610-902-2450.

New patients will be sent a patient record release form that they should fill out prior to their visit. Forms can be faxed to our Radnor office at 610-902-2466. 

In This Section

Our Mission

Penn Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine’s mission is to strive to provide outstanding, comprehensive care to young individuals as they transition from adolescence into adulthood.

Why See an Adolescent Medicine Provider

Penn Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine offers a truly different healthcare experience. Our practice offers many benefits to individuals in their teens and 20s including taking an active role in managing your own health.

Penn Adolescent Medicine Treatment Team

Meet our team of experts who provide primary care.

Virtual Visit

In today’s world, not only do adolescents and young adults have direct, on-demand access to their friends, but now they have direct mobile access to doctors and other health professionals. Learn about our virtual visit and telemedicine program.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are happy to answer any questions about Penn Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine. You can also review the answers to many of the frequently asked questions we receive most often here.

Patient Stories

Adolescent Patient Stories

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