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Guided Mindfulness Meditation for Penn Patients and Visitors

NEW! The Penn Program for Mindfulness has created a series of guided mindfulness meditation recordings for patients and caregivers to utilize while receiving treatment or waiting for appointments. The recordings are offered to support visitors in the management of physical, emotional or mental stressors sometimes associated with medical treatment.


  1. Intro
  2. Mindfulness of Breath
  3. Body Scan
  4. 3 Minute Breathing Space

"Mindfulness helps us to find steadiness in the experience that we are actually having, rather than fight with it, attempt to make it different, or avoid the reality of what's happening," says Michael Baime, MD, Director of the Penn Program for Mindfulness. "Mindfulness practice teaches us how step away from reactivity, worry, and old habits. It helps us to make better choices and to remain calm and balanced in difficult situations. With practice we discover a deeper peace within ourselves and learn to connect with what matters most even during uncertainty and stress." Initially, the guided practices will be piloted to patients of Penn Medicine at Radnor who are receiving infusions and will be accessible via QR code. We hope to then expand availability to out-patient visits throughout the Radnor facility.

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