theresa larivee

As health care evolves and becomes more complex, every staff member plays an integral role in Penn Medicine’s continued success. Because clear communication is essential across all disciplines and employment levels, hospital leaders have been attending trainings led by Penn Medicine Academy and Human Resources focused on developing a common language around feedback-rich culture and behavioral competencies. Pennsylvania Hospital is aligned with these system-wide priorities given the crucial role that open and honest communication plays in our interdisciplinary work.

A feedback-rich environment is one in which both positive and constructive comments are given consistently to help employees be successful. PAH recognizes that leaders need to highlight accomplishments, offer suggestions to address performance gaps, and discuss long-term goals with staff so they better understand their strengths, opportunities, and impact. Research indicates that healthy lines of communication can lead to higher levels of engagement, which has a positive impact on both staff satisfaction and the patient experience. To this end, managers have been given the tools to help them “walk the walk” and prioritize feedback, empower their staff to do the same, and foster a trusting, productive environment.

Just as the BE Standards provide standard language around the Penn Medicine Experience, managers have also been learning a shared language to discuss behavioral competencies — or expectations of how staff should perform to maximize personal, team, and hospital success. Each level of the framework introduces new competencies ranging from managing conflict to developing organizational savvy. Looking ahead, leaders will be sharing the appropriate resources with their teams to ensure every staff member has the opportunity to hone their skills, incorporate giving and receiving feedback into their routine, and reach their full potential.

As we integrate open discussions about expectations, achievements, and opportunities for improvement into our hospital culture, I believe every member of the PAH team will play an invaluable part in these efforts. This starts at the top, and I hope that all staff will hold their leaders and managers accountable as we work to create a feedback-rich environment. Thank you for your cooperation as we make PAH an even better place to work, learn, grow, and serve.

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